The character models are blocky, the trees look bad, the environments are generally bland (although the game does take place in swampland), and your dog lacks the animations required for fluid movement. Up close is where Ultimate Duck Hunting lags behind the competition. The environments look best at a distance: the background images are quite well done and approach the quality of Theatre of War.

The game’s graphics are comparable with Operation Flashpoint, and that game was released six years ago. Obviously, some leeway has to be given because Ultimate Duck Hunting is developed by a small company and graphics are obviously not the focus of the game, but the title could still look a lot better. While Ultimate Duck Hunting might have good graphics for a budget hunting simulation, the game looks quite outdated when compared with contemporary first person shooters. This way, you don’t have to get wet, own a dog, or kill real birds: it’s win-win! There are places you are still allowed to aim a shotgun to the sky and kill living things, and Ultimate Duck Hunting simulates all of the heart-pounding action of sitting in a swamp waiting for birds to pass by. Waterfowl hunting has gotten progressively downsized by the hippie environmentalists and their obsessive tree hugging. There are a number of sports that used to be universally socially acceptable, but now are frowned upon by the general public: boxing, dog fighting, and hunting. What say you? An exact representation of waterfowl hunting that’s commonly entertaining: 6/8 The Not So Good: Lack of variety in general execution, outdated graphics The Good: Accurate, competitive online play is fun, different armaments beget strategy adjustments, career mode where you train your dog

Ultimate Duck Hunting, developed and published by Mid Carolina Media.